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Beer lovers can hop into Van Dieman pickings

Van Dieman Brewing are allowing craft beer lovers to get their hands dirty. Or resiny. Even fruity.

And it will also allow followers of the Tasmanian operation to feel as though they have had a little involvement in some of its future brews.

For a decade Van Dieman's Will Tatchell has used home-grown elements in his beers. Growing his own hops has been an integral part of that philosophy.

Take the award-winning Estate Ale called Max that features brewery-grown Super Pride and Cascade cones in the mix.

In keeping with recent years, Van Dieman's is allowing the public to help harness the hops for its annual Wet Hop beer to be released in April.

Beer fans can visit the brewery on Monday March 11 to pick the vines and enjoy a few house brews.

Last year a record harvest of over 350kg of fresh, aromatic hops were selected, and this season looks like being on par, despite the warmer than average climatic conditions.

Some will be part of the wet hop beer, to be served at April's Fresh Hop Festival in Launceston, and for their Estate Ale series, a range of beers that are produced from entirely on-farm ingredients.

“It’s an unbelievable opportunity to learn where beer comes from, where it begins and how we utilise an agricultural product to create such an incredible result in beer,” Tatchell said.

Tatchell recommends visitors bring a camp chair, gloves, a long sleeve shirt and something for young ones to drink and eat. A small lunch of brewery-raised lamb and some refreshments will be provided to pickers.

“We want people to learn, understand and know where their beers come from, and this is a once a year opportunity for beer lovers to experience this hands on approach to brewing,” Tatchell added.

For more details keep in touch with Van Dieman's Facebook page.


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