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Mo' better brews in Stomping Ground cause

Craft beer is drunk by bearded hipsters.

Fake news. Some real artisanal brew lovers don’t put hair on their face for a couple of months yet.

And the growth will hopefully help save lives.

The team at the Stomping Ground in Melbourne – and if you’re in Melbourne and don’t go then it is a missed opportunity – has thrown its follicles behind Movember. In a big bushy way.

Using the 'BeerMo' initiative that targets everyone, not just the blokes, Stomping Ground wants to raise $75,000 for the charity that generates cash and awareness for men’s health.

With the support of Kegstar rentals and Bintani hops and malt suppliers, Stomping Ground has committed to selling 1000 kegs of its Craft Beer Industry Awards gold medallist, Gipps St Pale Ale, with $75 from each 50-litre vessel going to Movember.

“Both Kegstar and Bintani were quick to offer help but for a small, local and young brewery like us, selling 1000 kegs of beer in one month is still pretty daunting,” says Stomping Ground co-founder Steve Jeffares.

“Judging from initial discussions, many venues are keen to get involved which is exciting.”

Every time you enjoy a ‘Gipps St’ Pale Ale at supporting pubs and bars around Australia during November, venues and beer drinkers will be helping Stomping Ground raise awareness about men’s health and hopefully encourage a few important conversations.

Charlotte Webb, CFDO of the Movember Foundation said too many men were ‘toughing it out’, keeping their feelings to themselves and struggling alone with their issues.

“We know from research that men’s social connections tend to drop off once they hit their 30s and we’re often not great at making or keeping mates. By partnering with our friends at Stomping Ground, we are looking to engage with men where they are, remind them that it’s good to spend time with their mates and help make change happen sooner, before it’s too late.”

To help with starting the conversation, Stomping Ground is developing promotional activities, with a party the main prize on offer for beer fans – you bring your mates, Stomping Ground brings the good times!

Jeffares says about the initiative, “Many of our female friends and customers over the years have loved the Movember concept and were keen to get involved, so our BeerMo initiative with Movember is a fun way for everyone - men and women - to help us raise funds and awareness for Movember’s men’s health issues.

“As a brewery we think we can help create some conversations and we’re very proud to be working with Movember.”

​The Stomping Ground website has more information.


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